Sunday, November 23, 2008

Analysis of Se7en title sequence

The title sequence of se7en starts of with a unknown man in his bed, he then switches on a device which starts ticking. This makes the audience feel uneasy because it makes use feel like it is counting down to something. This could make the viewer feel that he is possibleing going to be murdered, because sterotipicly murders happen at night when people are alown.
The scene then switches to another unknown person that we don't see. This character is shown to be very disterbed by showning him cut of skin of a dead persons hand with a razor blade.we then see that this person is writing something in a book, this razors question for the view and makes use want to know what the person's writing, and why is it so important?
We then realise that this person is creating something but what? This again draws the auidence in more as they want to find out more about what the person is creating and why. The audience then feel a sence of uneasyness as we start so see lots of disturbing images, which could tell use that the person isn't right in the head and that he/she is someone to be feared.
Finally the music throughout this scene is important because it makes the audience feel even more uneasy and has them on the end of the seat throught because the music makes use feel like it is building up to something.



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